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The Stay Fertile program includes:

  • Medical tests to diagnose your current levels of fertility
  • Diet, supplement, and lifestyle prescriptions to boost and preserve your fertility
  • Support from a wellness coach so you can actually make those changes
  • 5 audio lessons teaching you about your fertility
  • 10 week group program with Dr Aum where you do psycho-spiritual, creative, and health-promoting activities
  • Explore your fears and hopes and work with powerful energy in a group setting so you can manifest what you want

Benefits Include:

  • Know how fertile you are
  • Become more fertile thorugh natural means
  • Become happier and more peaceful in your life
  • Have more energy and focus
  • Create clear goals around when you want to have a baby and receaive spiritual support
  • Release the burden of feeling like you’re running out of time
  • Save thousands of dollars on egg-freezing, hormones, etc.
  • Have time to do what you need to do – launch your career, artistic project, or find the partner of your dreams – and then…
  • Have your baby WHEN YOU’RE READY!!

Yes, I want to Stay Fertile!

To learn more about this program and see if it is a fit, schedule your complimentary “Discovery Session” with Dr. Aum by clicking below.

“What can I say, I absolutely love Doctor Shah!

Without going into too much of my medical history, suffice it to say that I was desperately in search of a doctor that would work with me as part of a team to make me healthy again.  I had medical issues that were getting worse each month.  I was exhausted and felt sick constantly. I went to so many doctors trying to find someone who could help.  All I got back was doctors trying to give me pills!

I didn’t want pills that would mask my symptoms, I wanted to find out what was going on and deal with the root cause.  Enter Doctor Shah.  I knew it was going to be different the first time I sat down with her.  We actually had a real conversation and she listened!  How refreshing!!!

Since that first meeting we found some things that the other doctors should have found but didn’t.  I’m finally on the road to recovery and I literally could not have done this without her.  I know…… because I tried.  Did I mention I love Dr. Shah!?!

Do yourself a favor, if you’re in need of good medical care call her today!” – KW
More love for Dr. Aum on Yelp
